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Reason-Based Surveys

Create a free survey, where participants express both their opinions and their reasons. Participants can also learn from each other's reasons.

Start here

1 Deliberative Form Ask a series of survey questions. Example

Specialized survey types

2 Auto-complete Survey Discover what problems people care about. Example
3 Request for Proposals Get solutions to your problem. Example
4 Proposal Pro & Con Get feedback on your solution. Example
5 Participatory Budget Negotiate a budget with a group. Example

Converj Benefits

Sometimes leaders need to discover the best way to help their constituents. Sometimes the leader needs to discover what they did not even think to ask about. Sometimes a leader needs to prevent upsetting surprises. With Converj, you don't just collect participants' answers, you reveal why people gave those answers, not in terms of demographics, but in their own words.


  • Rating, ranking, checklists, budgets, write-in answers, and proposals
  • Request-for-proposals forum
  • Hosts can suggest answers, and participants can also add any new answer
  • Participants are nudged to converge toward a few main answers, to make results clear

Why Converj?

  • Deliberation built in: No need to choose between surveys versus forums
  • Free
  • Easy enrollment: No sign-up process for hosts nor participants
  • Simple: As easy as creating a web survey, with realtime results
  • No moderation required: Only the best quality, most relevant, user content is presented
  • Privacy: No identity tracking


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New Request For Proposals

Send your group a request for proposals, where participants can propose solutions, and evaluate the pro's and con's of each other's solutions. Converj will summarize the best supported solutions.

More information

When you lead a group, and face a problem, then a request-for-proposals helps you bring out the creative problem-solving ideas of your group-members. And participants even help you extract the useful ideas from the noise.

Reason-based voting
  • Users must view others' reasons before entering their own reason
  • Users must vote for a reason, rather than just voting yes or no
  • User-generated content cannot be changed once responded to
  • Users are anonymous, so reasons must stand on their own merit
Minimizing the burden of knowledge
  • Proposals & reasons are ordered by votes discounted by length
  • Users only have to view the best few short proposals / reasons
  • Pro & con reasons are given equal placement, either interleaved or side-by-side
  • New proposal/reason input shows similar existing proposals/reasons
  • Each user can vote for only 1 reason per proposal, to reduce the impact of coordinated voting strategies
  • Access is private, and sharable by link
  • Low-quality content is submerged by user voting

Request For Proposals

New Proposal

Using Converj, a leader can get feedback on their proposal, and participants can point out the pro's and con's of the proposal.

Converj handles the most significant problem with group decision-making & participatory democracy: the large effort to organize and evaluate participants' ideas. Converj does this by turning the crowd on itself, to organize and evaluate each-others' ideas.



New Auto-complete Survey

Let particpants write-in their own answers, but still condense results to a few best answers.

More information
    The most straightforward way to find out what your group-members think, is to simply ask, and let them say anything. Worry less about whether you are providing the right multiple choice options, by letting particpants create their own options. But when your group is large, there are too many answers to comprehend. So autocomplete-surveys gather your members' answers into a few high-quality answers.
    To answer survey questions, just type. You may see the answer you were thinking of, and select it. Or type in a better version of a suggested answer, so that other people can select your version. If you see something rude, don't click it, and it will appear less and less.
Reason-based voting
  • Users must view others' answers before entering their own answer
  • Users supply both an answer, and a reason for that answer
  • Users are anonymous, so answers & reasons must stand on their own merit
Minimizing the burden of knowledge
  • Users only have to view the most popular and relevant answers
  • New answer input suggests similar existing proposals/reasons
  • Each user can select only 1 answer per question, to reduce the chance of strategic answering
  • Access is private, and sharable by link
  • Low-quality content is submerged by user voting

Edit Auto-complete Survey

View Auto-complete Survey

Auto-complete Survey Results

New Participatory Budget

Discover a group's budget preferences, allowing participants to both introduce new budget items, and to negotiate better allocations of resources.

More information
    Don't limit the possible solutions to your budget challenges by allowing only a predetermined menu of budget-items. Allow users to add unexpected budget-items, and support their allocations with reasons. You can still seed the budget with items you consider important.
    To create a budget proposal, enter any budget-item you like. Or choose from similar budget-items, to add your support. Adjust the size of your budget-item, with suggestions about how large or small it should be.
Reason-based voting
  • Users supply both an answer, and a reason for that answer
  • Users can learn from other users' budget proposals
Minimizing the burden of knowledge
  • Users only have to view the most popular and relevant budget-items
  • Brevity is promoted
  • Extreme budget proposals do not sway results
  • Access is private, and sharable by link

Budget Setup


Budget Results
